A street in the established community of Julington Creek, on the northwest corner of St. Johns County.

Relocation Insider Articles

Moving to St. Augustine has never been easier.

Planning a move to St. Augustine or moving to St. Johns County? Perhaps you've just arrived and are still learning about the city, county, state, and all that's different from your last abode. The Relocation section will focus where to buy and where to rent. We'll include new communities, historic neighborhoods, and those places that were built between the 1700s and 2022. In addition, our Relocation section will help you find home furnishings, appliances, and home renovation products, as well as local contractors, schools, and service providers. The Relocation Section of VisitStAugustine.com will have the most comprehensive list of vendors and services found in the area. We start off with a group of articles that include information on moving, shopping locally, farm markets, kid-friendly communities, 55+ communities, help with getting a driver's license and more, information for dog owners, insider tips on driving and parking in St. Augustine, a bit of history about your new town, and more.

Relocation Insider Articles

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St. Augustine offers miles of beautiful beaches for the whole family to enjoy.


These St. Augustine restaurants serve fresh vegetable, vegetarian, and vegan dishes, many of these locally sourced.

Food & Drink

Founders Day participants striding under the flags.


Fireworks over the Castillo de san Marcos


A Florida beach pier on a beautiful day


A woman kayaks on a river.


This hotel room features a king with a blue cover and four pillows, against a wooden wall.

Places to Stay

A street in the established community of Julington Creek, on the northwest corner of St. Johns County.
