A woman in 16th century garb standing at a table with foods on display

School of the 16th Century

Learn about 16th-century camp life at this annual event featuring period reenactors.

Saturday, Apr. 12 and Sunday, Apr. 13, 2025 | 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.

School of the 16th Century

(904) 829-3168

Oldest House Museum Complex
14 St. Frances Street
St. Augustine, FL 32084

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Historic Florida Militia presents the School of the 16th Century, at the Oldest House Museum Complex on Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13, 2025, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. This annual event features period reenactors portraying life as it was more than 450 years ago in St. Augustine. Visitors can see weapons and cooking demonstrations, while they learn about many facets of 16th-century camp life.

Educational and entertaining at the same time, this historically authentic event is ideal for the whole family, with training drills and interpretations going on all day. Visitors can browse displays of 16th-century artifacts and watch soldados (Spanish soldiers) shoot the Matchlock Arquebus, the predecessor of the musket. Guests can participate in pike pushes and sword fighting, and see live demonstrations of 16th-century cooking, and bead jewelry making. Textiles and period clothing will be on display.

For more information, go here.

Admission: The event is free.

When: Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13, 2025, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. 

Where: The Oldest Museum House Complex is on 14 St. Francis Street in St. Augustine, Florida 32084.

School of the 16th Century

(904) 829-3168

Oldest House Museum Complex
14 St. Frances Street
St. Augustine, FL 32084

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Editor's Note: We encourage you to verify event times and details with the organizers, as they may change.