Bob Patterson and David Watt Besley hosting Songwriters Night at the Oasis, with guests Don Cooper and Kat Archer

St. Augustine Songwriters Night

Each month, four local songwriters share their stories and songs.

Monthly, on Third Tuesdays | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

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Two revered St. Augustine singer/songwriters, Bob Patterson and David Watt Besley, host a live music event featuring other local singer/songwriters, on the third Tuesday of every month from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Oasis Deck and Restaurant on Anastasia Island.

Each of these monthly events offers two hours of stories and songs as Bob and David share the stage with two invited musical guests. This long-running event is a favorite for locals who enjoy hearing songs they know as well as the occasional debut of a brand new song. Guests have included Amy Hendrickson, Katherine Archer, Lonesome Bert Hodge, John Dickie, Don Cooper, Gail Carson, and other local songwriters — plus the occasional out-of-towner.

The format is simple and one that is found at songwriters events: the four participating singer/songwriters relax on stools as each one relates a tale and sings one of their songs, going down the line one song and one artist after another. Invariably, someone will change their playlist in reaction to the previous song played, another will chime in with a guitar solo, or impeccable harmony.

St. Augustine is Northeast Florida's songwriter capital, the home of acclaimed singer/songwriter, Gamble Rogers and the many who followed him, from Bob Patterson to Davis Loose. The musicians included in these third Tuesday events were raised here, or have moved to St. Augustine and the surrounding area. The respect they have for each other and the joy they find in playing together is evident at every performance.

Admission: Admission is free, guests may purchase food and drinks.

When: The third Tuesday of every month, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Where: At the Oasis Deck and Restaurant, 4000 A1A South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida 32080

The Next Songwriters Night:

On March 18, 2025, Bob and David will be joined by Larry Mangum and Lauren Heintz. Larry is an accomplished guitarist and an acclaimed songwriter. Lauren is also a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. She has won the Florida Folk Festival Original Song Contest, twice.

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Editor's Note: We encourage you to verify event times and details with the organizers, as they may change.