Coquina sign with red details, blurred background of trees. The sign bears the City of St. Augustine emblem, West Augustine CRA emblem, and the words "Historic West Augustine."

West Augustine Community

A significant historic community.

West Augustine Community

Attention users: Full historical article text coming soon!

West Augustine's Community Organizations

Several associations and programs with visionary leaders have taken steps to promote West Augustine's best interests. Over the years, they have worked to secure services and programs, reduce crime, and improve infrastructure for the residents of their community.

Shield shaped logo of the West Augustine CRA, which shows a pair of dark brown hands cradling three green homes.

West Augustine Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)

This association and its leaders serve the sustainable growth of West Augustine. They are credited with the construction of the Solomon Calhoun Community Center in 2009 as well as affordable housing projects that are currently underway as one attempt to stabilize the changing landscape.

The West Augustine CRA has also been instrumental in plans for a new comprehensive medical center in West Augustine, which would provide a range of services benefiting both locals and newcomers.

Access the West Augustine CRA Steering Committee's Facebook page here.

Logo of the West Augustine Historical Community Decelopment Corporation, which is a black outlined house with green and orange "CDC" inside.

The West Augustine Historical Community Development Corp (CDC)

Another association advocating for improved infrastructure and services for their community, the WAHCDC coordinates the Kids Safe Zone, an afterschool enrichment program that provides a safe and educational environment for children in West Augustine.

Access the West Augustine Historical Community Development Corps' website here.

The green logo of the West Augustine Improvement Association, which shows two hands shaking, one Black and one White.

The West Augustine Improvement Association (WAIA)

Founded in 1956 by Mrs. Nellie Meade, the West Augustine Improvement Association focuses on upkeeping the historic African American cemeteries in the community. Located on Pearl Street, the Pinehurst and San Sebastian cemeteries are the oldest of their kind in Florida. The WAIA hosts regular restoration sessions, coordinates neighborhood clean-ups, and summer programs for youth. They are also at work on an oral history program to document the lives and experiences of West Augustine residents.

Access the West Augustine Improvement Association's website here.


Online Resources

"St. Johns County to Relocate Historic Canright House to Collier-Blocker-Puryear Park in West Augustine" 2024 article from St. Johns County News: Parks & Recreation.

"Left Behind: West Augustine often overlooked, not overbooked" 2018 article from the Flagler Gargoyle.

"Presence/Erasure: Black History in St. Augustine" digital exhibit from the University of Florida.

"Development and Expansion of St. Augustine" digital exhibit from the City of St. Augustine.

"A Salty Story" 2023 article on Florida during the Civil War, from Florida Humanities and Robert Taylor.

Further Reading

An Early History of New Augustine, R. A. Speissegger, 1948