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Childhood image of David Lynn Grimes, musician and sailor.

David Lynn Grimes

This sailor, adventurer, musician, and songwriter, believes in the magic of song and laughter.

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Born in Springfield, Missouri at 12:05 a.m. on July 15, 1953, David Lynn Grimes has embraced Alaska since 1977. He has said that he has been roaming in and out of Alaska ever since, traveling south to Big Sur and back again to Prince William Sound. His other route south has been back to Missouri and south to Florida, and wherever he is, David embraces nature and shares his music.

A simply outstanding guitar player, David said that while he has been a musician all of his life, lyrics were a challenge — until they weren't and "words have been pouring out of me like a river."

His themes are life, nature, and the characters that appear again and again in different cultures, such as the compassionate "Trickster." According to David, the powerful magic we have is the secret of our song and laughter.

His songs are deceptively simply presented, yet the instrumentation and stories are more complex than expected. His voice reminds one of a somewhat rougher James Taylor — the James Talyor who spent time on boats off the coast of Alaska, or observing wolves and ravens in the wilderness.

David Lynn Grimes is a dreamer and he believes, "Many blessings follow dreamers."

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