Songster Kelz Law leaning agaings bulkhead at St. Johns river in Jacksonville, FL

Kelz Law

Kelz Law turns life's tragedies into music.

Music comes from life. Life can be tragic. Kelz Law's music is a reflection of his life, and he takes tragedy and turns it into his own unique sound. Born in the small town of Hastings, Florida, Law is an R&B and soul recording artist who began singing in his grandmother's church choir. As a youth, Law's love was basketball, which led to championship games that he had to balance with chorus. On one occasion, he played part of a game, left to go sing in a recital, and returned to the basketball game. This early love earned him a college scholarship, where he continued his vocal path and found his real purpose in life.

In college, he began to understand his voice, began to sing in front of people, and, though embarrassed, said "It was dope, it was nice." Law's first EP, High-End Sight 20/20 was just the beginning of his music career, which he feels is "something I was put here to do."

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