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New Guys on the Dock

New Guys on the Dock create a big sound with old favorites and original material.

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New Guys on the Dock is a great example of what happens when the right two musicians get together to have fun and play music.

Scott Oglevee and Tom Hutcheson have each been business owners, moved to St. Augustine from elsewhere, and performed siolo and in groups for years.

Scott, an inventive song-writer and a much in demand cover act, has a strong following all along the East Coast of the U.S. Tom, originally from Colorado, has sought the opportunity to play congas and jam with individuals and groups from Colorado to Georgia to St. Augustine.

New Guys on the Dock's high energy act is a mix of hits from pop, country, rock, and the blues — plus original songs. Their ability to blend their individual talents and their joy in performing create shows that bring audiences back again and again.

Upcoming Shows

Hurricane Grill & WingsToday6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Hurricane Grill & WingsSaturday, March 29th, 20256:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Oasis Deck & RestaurantFriday, April 4th, 20256:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Editor's Note: We encourage you to verify event times and details with the organizers, as they may change.