A county park, with basketball court in the foreground and a pavilion at the far end

Armstrong Park

Elkton's small park has a basketball court and playscape, and is a trailhead on Rails to Trails.

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Armstrong Park

Elkton's Armstrong Park hosts several events each year and offers a playscape, basketball court, and three pavilions for year-round fun.

The park has a picnic area, restrooms, and parking.

The park also serves as a trailhead for the Palatka to St. Augustine State Trail, so it's a good spot to park and unload your bikes if you don't want to travel the full 19-mile length of the trail. This trailhead is 12 miles from the far end, in Putnam County.

The Palatka to St. Augustine State Trail

This paved trail is 12 feet wide and 19 miles long, extending from its easternmost point, the Vermont Boulevard Trailhead, to Palatka. (It's a bit over eight miles from St. Augustine's Plaza de la Constitución to the Vermont Boulevard Trailhead, along State Road 207, with no trail to ride on.)

The paved trail is suitable for biking, walking, and running, and ends in Palatka at East River Trailhead.

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