The renovated St. Augustine Waterworks is the home of the St. Johns Cultural Council.

St. Johns Cultural Council

Promoting St. Johns County as a premier arts destination.

Event times and locations vary

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The lives of both residents and visitors are enriched through arts and culture as a result of the Cultural Council promoting St. Johns County as a premier arts destination.

The Cultural Council produces weekly arts, culture, and heritage newsletters that are electronically distributed to more than 6,000 people in St. Johns County. The Dance Company, The Art Studio of St. Augustine Beach, and other community-based organizations make daily use of the Cultural Center at St. Augustine Beach by hosting artistic and movement classes for both residents and visitors. The St. Johns Cultural Council also supports art institutions, community arts partners, cultural programs, activities, and audiences within St. Johns County.

Their office is located at 185 San Marco Avenue in the renovated St. Augustine Waterworks building, but they provide support throughout  St. Johns County.

Visitors to St. Augustine will be delighted by St. Johns Cultural Council's diverse arts offerings - for all ages and interests.

Event times and locations vary

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