The Fresh Beat Band is a children's television show that appears on Nick Jr. The show's four adventurous main characters, Shout, Twist, Marina, and Kiki perform in a band, using their music to solve various problems. The high-energy pop band will come to the St. Augustine Amphitheatre on August 22, 2014.
The Fresh Beat Band is composed of four best friends who attend music school and graduate together as four individuals with specific dreams they each hope to achieve. Their band works together to solve problems that arise out of any situation, using music, dance, and lyrics to help the situation. The show is in its third season, released 5 singles, and won a Parent's Choice Award in 2011.
Their live show, running about an hour long with a short intermission, showcases each group member's talents-from their clothes to the instruments they play. The group will perform several songs from seasons one, two, and three for the whole family to enjoy. Their first tour was extremely successful which prompted their desire to go out on another, in the hopes to provide for their fans. The band offers a V.I.P. package for those who would like to meet the band after the show, and merchandise is available for purchase throughout the show's entirety.
Where? St. Augustine Amphitheatre located at 1340 A1A South St. Augustine, FL 32080.
When? Friday, August 22, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Gates open at 5:00 p.m.
Parking Information: The St. Augustine Amphitheatre is located on Anastasia Island next to Anastasia State Park and Recreation Area. There is very limited on-site parking so visitors must utilize accessible satellite parking facilities. Each satellite parking area is located within one mile of the Amphitheatre. Satellite parking lots are located behind RB Hunt Elementary at RB Hunt Elementary and the Elks Lodge.
Shuttle Information: The St. Augustine Amphitheatre Shuttle system begins its run one and half hour prior to show time. The shuttle will pick up event patrons at two designated shuttle stops & the soccer field behind RB Hunt Elementary School. Shuttles will run continuously until approximately one hour after the scheduled start time of a concert.
For more information on this event please call (904) 209-0367 or Visit Here.