Unveiling of New Lions
(904) 509-6895 At the park near the east end of the Bridge of Lions.
4 Anastasia Boulevard
St. Augustine, FL 32080
A second set of Medici lions are being added to join the Bridge of Lions in celebration of the 450th. The lions will grace Davis Park and will be unveiled during a small ceremony on Thursday, July 2, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
The lions were commissioned in the same style as the other lions on the Bridge were—in the style of the Medici lions in the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence, Italy. They are being donated by Davis Shores residents Wolfgang and Miki Schau. The public is invited to the ceremony to enjoy the new display of public art and other activities are planned. Parking will be available at Blue Water Jewelers, and transportation to the park and other areas will be provided free of charge by Old Town Trolley.
A pre-ceremony party will take place at Blue Water Jewelers with an open house from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m., and an open house at Puddy Mud (852 Anastasia Blvd.) starting at 2:00 p.m.
Cover photo: FloridasHistoricCoast.com
Unveiling of New Lions
(904) 509-6895 At the park near the east end of the Bridge of Lions.
4 Anastasia Boulevard
St. Augustine, FL 32080