Ripley's Red Train sports a pair of giant bunny ears while giving a ride to several dignitaries in the Easter Parade

Easter Celebrations 2025

Easter Sunday is April 20, 2025, and with local Easter traditions rooted in the city’s rich history and special worship services, St. Augustine is the perfect place to celebrate the Easter season. Leading up to Easter Sunday, St. Augustine’s “Royal Family” will present heritage celebrations throughout the city, with The Blessing of the Fleet on Sunday, April 13, following Palm Sunday Mass. Later in the week, the "Royal Family" will recognize members of the community for their contributions to St. Augustine in the Royal Knighting Ceremony.

2025 Easter Events

Apr 20

Easter Promenade

Sunday, Apr. 20, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Fancy hats, often created at home, are the stars of this Easter tradition.

Easter Week

Celebrate with egg hunts, elegant and fun hats, and in the worship service of your choice.

The annual events start early in March with Easter egg hunts and pick up just before Palm Sunday. We try to include all of the secular public events and we list Easter services held at historic churches those closest to the larger tourist populations.

The Royal Family and additional members
Apr 10th
6:00 pm

Royal Family Transfer of Office

A heritage event commemorating the city's ties to Spain and the passing of the scepter.

This St. Augustine heritage event commemorates the city's Spanish origins and the reign of Queen Marianna, King Juan Carlos, and Princess Margarita Maria. St. Augustine residents enact the parts of the Royal Family in full costume and pass the scepter in an annual ceremony just before Easter.

Kids playing and searching during an Easter egg hunt
Apr 5th
1:00 pm

Easter Egg Hunts 2025

Parks, churches, and organizations host Easter egg hunts for kids.

Many parks, churches, and organizations offer special Easter activities for kids every year. Here's a list of those events including egg hunts and photos with the Easter Bunny, leading up to and including Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. Note: This list is being updated as new information is posted.

Visitors can enjoy a historic tradition as St. Augustine vessels are blessed by the Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine.
Apr 13th
12:00 pm

Blessing of the Fleet 2025

The Diocese of St. Augustine's bishop blesses vessels in a historic local tradition.

The Blessing of the Fleet, a historical ceremony dating back to the city's earliest days of Spanish colonial occupation, happens annually on Palm Sunday, beginning at noon. On Sunday, April 13, 2025, all vessels — commercial and pleasure — are invited to receive a blessing from the Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine.

An honoree receiving a sword-to-shoulder knighting from the Queen
Apr 14th
6:00 pm

Royal Knighting Ceremony

The Royal Family recognizes residents who have made community contributions.

The St. Augustine Royal Family performs the Royal Knighting Ceremony every year during Easter Week to bestwow knighthood upon residents who have been selected based on their good civic deeds. St. Augustine residents portray the royal family in full costume and conduct the ceremony.

Stormtroopers from Star Wars get into the Easter spirit with bunny ears, tutus, and pink-accented costumes
Apr 19th
9:00 am

Easter Parade 2025

A tradition that dates back to 1956, the parade is held on Easter Saturday.

The nation's second oldest Easter Parade, St. Augustine's Parada de los Caballos y Coches (Parade of Horses and Carriages) has commemorated the Easter holiday every year since 1956. This year, St. Augustine celebrates the Easter parade's 68th anniversary on Saturday, April 19, 2025, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

A sunrise church service taking place at the beach
Apr 18th
6:30 pm

Easter Church Services 2025

St. Augustine's churches host Good Friday, Easter sunrise, and Easter services.

Weekend worship services are held throughout the St. Augustine area over Easter weekend, on Friday, April 18, and Sunday, April 20, 2025. Easter sunrise services are included. Unless otherwise noted, all services take place on Easter Sunday.

Apr 20th
1:00 pm

Easter Promenade

Fancy hats, often created at home, are the stars of this Easter tradition.

The Annual Easter Promenade, a spectacle of outrageous Easter bonnets and costumes will be held from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., on Sunday, April 20, 2025, at the gazebo in the Plaza de la Constitución. Everyone is invited to join the fun as a spectator or participant at the Easter Promenade and costume contest.

A chicken and waffle eggs benedict dish
Apr 20th
9:30 am

Easter Sunday Brunch & Dinner

Find the perfect spot for a delicious Easter meal.

Easter Week is a busy time in St. Augustine with local traditions rooted in the city's rich history. From the Blessing of the Fleet to Easter egg hunts, sunrise services on the beach, and the well-loved Easter Parade, visitors will find plenty of things to do in the nation's oldest city during the Easter holiday.

Things to Do on Easter

Most places will be open on Easter Sunday.

If you prefer an early breakfast to a champagne brunch, if the Easter Bunny didn't fill your basket with your favorite chocolates, if you want to spend time on the beach, at the park, or at the attractions in town — most places are open on Easter Sunday.